Spotlight on the Wood Duck Male
Just a quick spring migration update from Point Pelee. This was an unscheduled trip for me as I usually target the month of May and dedicate 4-5 days for such an important event.
The reason behind my early trip was the above-the-normal warm weather, which in turn may trigger an early development in trees and plants. As a result, one may have a harder time to shoot the arrival of our feathered friends through the dense foliage. Point Pelee is Canada’s most southern mainland point, located just below the parallel 42° north
, and thus experiences warmer climate than the rest of Ontario.
My concerns were unfounded, I had nothing to worry about. To my eyes at least, and for this time of year, I noted just regular foliage development and very few warblers. I cannot say I was disappointed for the lack of them, as the weather was miserable, very windy, rainy and cold. My hands froze fairly quick holding the camera and my time on this photo assignment was limited.
On my way back I did manage to film and photograph wood ducks, two males wooing a single female. Below is the photograph of the exotic wood duck male, making rounds in front of my camera. Once on the brink of extinction due to extensive hunting, wood ducks are making a comeback as a result of hunting regulations and humanly-constructed nesting boxes. With vivid colours and beautiful plumage, the wood duck male is the most beautiful of the North America ducks.

Wood Duck Male in Spring Migration – Point Pelee, Ontario
As I write these words and post this photograph it’s May already and preparations are underway for the 5-day spring migration assignment for next year. Hope I’ll see you on location.